Kristine De Jesus
5 min readMay 18, 2021


A Love Letter to the Liberal White Woman

Dear friend,

I have been thinking about writing this letter to you a million times in my head, but always promised myself I would when the moment was right. Here’s the thing, it was never about finding the perfect time to write it, rather it was about waiting for the moment that you may be able to read it. In a culture that centers your comfort and recognizes your contributions as beyond reproach, having an honest conversation about the harm you cause is virtually impossible. I have tried talking to you, but when I do, you remind me “that you catch more flies with honey than vinegar.”

On the surface, you are kind, loving, inclusive and thoughtful. You create an inviting space where all are welcome. Warm, diverse, liberal, and educated, you create an alluring aura that is promising and inspires hope that it will be different this time, that this risk will lead to a fulfilling outcome. This carefully crafted mirage isn’t for me, it is for you. To ensure you have done everything right so that when the betrayal occurs, you can feel good about yourself, knowing that the issue wasn’t you. You are a good person, listen to NPR, support Black Lives Matter, have a diverse group of friends, and thus couldn’t possibly be racist.

As you welcome the veritable sister/stranger in your midst, talk of allyship and activism litter the air. The virtue signaling begins…



Kristine De Jesus

Dr. De Jesus is an author, educator & activist. She's founder of The Wellness Cooperative, an organization dedicated to serving BIPOC folx in recovery